Follow the story of our garden-in-the-making in the South of France:

  • Convolvulus cneorum One of those absolute specialists for poor, dry, alcaline, clay, sandy or gravelly soil and full sun exposure. The evergreen plant makes a little bush of about 50cm high and 70cm wide. It is hardy up to -10°C,…


  • Coming from a more Northern country I was used to start my seeds in pots on the windowsill before finally putting plants outside in the garden. I’ve tried it here as well but, lacking windowsills in this French-built house, it’s…


  • Phlomis is another one of those plants I always found a bit boring – before I had a Mediterranean garden. Now I’ve grown quite fond of them although they do not bloom particularly long, mostly in May. Their foliage and…


  • Slowly spaces are opening up again as the beautiful masses of native wild poppies successively grew smaller. I’ve pulled them out as they faded and the other plants needed more space and less competition. I put the faded poppies and…


  • Cistus, along with Helianthemum, Halimium and Tuberaria, are members of the rock rose family. They are native perennials of the Mediterranean, North African and Middle Eastern regions. These small evergreen shrubs can be found all over the garrigue here which…


  • I always judged Snapdragons to be a bit of a stuffy, boring flower for stuffy, bourgoeis gardens. How unjust I was – and how wrong. Since they kept popping up in my garden uninvited I have learned that Antirrhinum are…


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