Tag: scented garden
Lonicera or honeysuckle is a very diverse species, including wonderfully scented vines (periclymenum, japonica, tatarica, xylosteum…) or shrubs (fragrantissima, purpusii, syringantha…), fruit-bearing shrubs (caerulea/kamtchatica…) as well as evergreen hedging shrubs and groundcovers (nitida, pileata, crassifolia…). Lonicera japonica I love the scented Lonicera vines and was more than happy to discover that the massive hedge of…
Roses for a Mediterranean Garden
A garden without roses? It’s possible but is it necessary? I did my research in 2022 and chose what I thought was a varied selection of robust roses. My experience so far shows that there are huge differences between varieties, even those said to be robust and resistant. And there are a lot of aspects…
Buddleia davidi
It’s not my favorite shrub and I would never have planted it myself in this garden… but I have to admit that the color of Buddleia davidii “Black Knight” is simply splendid: a very dark and sumptuous purple with pink interiors. And it is a great favorite with bees and butterflies. Buddleia normally blooms all…
Aloysia/Lippia citriodora/triphylla
I was very surprised to discover an Aloysia citriodora shrub of 2 meters height when we first cleaned out the garden. Having always had to keep this plant in a pot in Switzerland I wasn’t aware it grew that big. Aloysia citriodora is also known as Aloysia triphylla, Lippia citriodora, Lippia triphylla or simply Lemon…
One of my very favorite flowers – I was so happy to discover, that – despite their elegant looks – lilies will work in my garden! Lilium Regale Lilium regale is reputed to be an easy-to-grow lily because it is very robust and tolerates most soils, as long as they are well-draining. In June/July each bulb…
Mediterranean Iris
Live and learn… I had always thought of Iris as a delicate and overbred plant for experienced gardeners. But when I came here I found out that Iris are one of the most robust, hardy, drought and heat resistant flowers there are. They grow wild everywhere around here, from small Iris lutescens in the Garrigue…