Follow the story of our garden-in-the-making in the South of France:

  • Some plants just seem to give you “the finger”… When I think about how I coddled and cuddled my little cosmos seedlings last spring and summer, padding them with mulch, hovering over them with the watering can – and still the…


  • After last year’s calm, this summer season has again been rife with wildfires, both big and close to housing areas. In early September we’ve had our own scare in the neighborhood. I was just coming back from a walk shortly…


  • Water management is a constant topic for gardeners and even more so in Mediterranean regions where rainfall may be scarce and/or erratic and water usage heavily restricted. This year, after two years of drought, we have had a relatively wet…


  • Lonicera or honeysuckle is a very diverse species, including wonderfully scented vines (periclymenum, japonica, tatarica, xylosteum…) or shrubs (fragrantissima, purpusii, syringantha…), fruit-bearing shrubs (caerulea/kamtchatica…) as well as evergreen hedging shrubs and groundcovers (nitida, pileata, crassifolia…). Lonicera japonica I love the…


  • Alcea rosea (Hollyhocks in English or Rose trémière in French) are another example for plants that – in my experience – grow best if left alone to do their thing. They like to sow themselves where they please and need…


  • Anisodontea or Cape Mallow is another plant I would never have thought of planting myself but which I have grown rather fond of. My mother gave it to me 2021. It had been grown from a cutting as an indoor…


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