Follow the story of our garden-in-the-making in the South of France:

  • Supposedly Gaura Lindheimeri should thrive in this climate and I’ve been dreaming of large swathes of them swaying in the breeze. But I’ve not had much luck so far. Since 2022 I’ve planted quite a few and until last fall…


  • It’s not my favorite shrub and I would never have planted it myself in this garden… but I have to admit that the color of Buddleia davidii “Black Knight” is simply splendid: a very dark and sumptuous purple with pink…


  • Birds and bees don’t change all that much between countries and gardens. But there were quite a few little beasties I had never seen before, including a large Western Whip Snake, crawling at speed straight up the embankment, hissing and…


  • Another one of those “I would never have planted it myself but now I love it!”-plants. I dislike the feel of prickly plants, that’s the main reason I never before considered Echinops for my various gardens. But since it was…


  • A very pretty, cornflower-like flower in blue, lilac, or white with a blue middle, depending on variety. Catananche caerulea supposedly blooms June through July, in my garden it blooms profusely all through May and then a little bit less in…


  • In Switzerland I always had Geranium “Rozanne” – it is one of the longest flowering and most vigorously growing Geraniums I knew and I loved to see those gorgeous blue flowers all over my garden. But alas, it’s not made…


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