Osteospermum fruticosum album


I’m normally not that crazy about daisies but I’ve grown to love Osteospermum or Cape Daisies for their bright and cheerful look and drought-resistance. They come in many colors and shapes with either simple or spooned petals, some spread out over the ground, some grow like little shrubs, and they are more or less hardy.

Osteospermum fruticosum

In the fall of 2022 I bought one small plant of Osteospermum fruticosum album from Pepinière Filippi in Mèze. In two years it has rapidly formed one square meter of ground cover that stays green throughout summer. It is pretty drought-resistant with a “code de secheresse” of 4 of 6. According to Filippi it should bloom January through May, in my garden it blooms profusely March through June, with occasional single flowers appearing throughout July – as long as it doesn’t get to be too hot/dry. It is supposedly hard to -6℃.

Osteospermum ecklonis

In the spring of 2023 I also ordered five tiny plants of Osteospermum ecklonis Flower Power Spider Purple for its pretty purple color and weirdly spooned petals. All plants survived the first very hard summer and have formed little bushes with lots of purple flower heads from March through June with occasional flowers in July. However in the second year the petals came back much narrower and less spooned than before. It is supposedly hardy to -4℃.

Both types of Osteospermum like a sunny spot and light, well-drained soil.


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