Tag: shrubs

  • Phlomis


    Phlomis is another one of those plants I always found a bit boring – before I had a Mediterranean garden. Now I’ve grown quite fond of them although they do not bloom particularly long, mostly in May. Their foliage and spent flowers are quite attractive and they are allelopathic plants, meaning that they discourage the…


  • Cistus


    Cistus, along with Helianthemum, Halimium and Tuberaria, are members of the rock rose family. They are native perennials of the Mediterranean, North African and Middle Eastern regions. These small evergreen shrubs can be found all over the garrigue here which is what convinced me to plant them in my garden. They bloom mostly in April…


  • Eleagnus ebbingei (submacrophylla)

    Eleagnus ebbingei (submacrophylla)

    Heavenly Scent & Drought Resistance in One. The side of the garden towards the neighbors is largely planted with Eleagnus x Ebbingei, now known as Eleagnus submacrophylla or “Chalef” in Garden-French. This shrub was totally unknown to me and when I first saw it in the summer, it didn’t impress me much. But then came…


  • Viburnum tinus

    Viburnum tinus

    The laurel-leaved Viburnum is a native of the Mediterranean region, the Near East and North Africa. Supposedly it prefers shady, humid areas – in my garden I have an older specimen in full sun and it does just fine. Another one has seeded itself in a shady spot where it does bloom a bit longer…


  • Photinia fraseri

    Photinia fraseri

    Along with eleagnus ebbingei, our garden is bordered by a few big Photinia fraseri “Red Robin” bushes. Apparently it is one of the most widely planted evergreen hedge shrubs in European gardens. Despite its elegant looks and soft glossy leaves, this shrub is totally drought and heat resistant and an absolute recommendation for dry gardens.…
