mediterranean garden in Languedoc South of France

Winter is coming

In November we continued with cleaning up, re-planting, and with covering all the naked earth in an effort to keep it from getting washed out any further.

After cleaning out this corner, it turned out that the tall Yucca had actually been planted in a wooden pot with iron bands – once upon a long, long time. It has somehow outgrown the pot without being able to break it. Looks a bit funny but can’t be changed now so we’re just leaving it as it is.

We tried to plant the naked escarpment with drought-resistant ground covers.

(Spoiler: 80% of them died during the next summer. It is just too hot, too dry, too exposed there.)

It isn’t yet possible nor sensible to start planting everywhere without knowing more about what will work and what won’t. For now we are covering up all the naked spots with cardboard, earth, and garden scraps to help prevent further soil deterioration over the winter.

Continued cleanup of the wall garden and the top end of the parking lot, where grasses and euphorbia had completely taken over.


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