Tag: vegetables
Harvesting Olives
We had three olive trees, two of which had been planted in the half shade between some tall trees and the sunlit side of the house. As a result, they grew at an oblique angle and only on the side facing the light. We sold them in the spring and are hoping they are happy…
Direct sowing or cultivation in pots?
Coming from a more Northern country I was used to start my seeds in pots on the windowsill before finally putting plants outside in the garden. I’ve tried it here as well but, lacking windowsills in this French-built house, it’s become a bit complicated and not altogether successful. I bought a grow light and rigged…
Veggies in Winter
I used to be happy when the gardening season was over for the winter. It just gets to damn cold in Switzerland. Looking at frozen radiccio and harvesting brussel sprouts in subzero temperatures is just no fun at all. Here I finally live in a part of the world where even in winter things actually…
The edible garden in September
Our housesitter had planted some melons, tomatoes, peppers, and pumpkins for us in the spring and when we arrived end of June they were coming along nicely. Religious watering by hand saved them over the summer and in September the pumpkins and melons were ripening. The old appletree as well was surprisingly full with apples…