Tag: trees
The Orchard 2024
It’s been a year since the last orchard “status report” in February of 2024. Time for an update: The pear tree bore a bumper crop of wonderfully juicy and aromatic pears – yellow with reddish cheeks, probably “Clapp’s Favorite”. What I had thought to be a “cherry tree” turned out to be a reineclaude tree…
Harvesting Olives
We had three olive trees, two of which had been planted in the half shade between some tall trees and the sunlit side of the house. As a result, they grew at an oblique angle and only on the side facing the light. We sold them in the spring and are hoping they are happy…
Having never met many of them before in real life, Tamarix always seemed rather delicate to me. Turns out they are pretty much indestructible. We have two of them in the garden. One grows with massive roots right out of the steep embankment on the north side of the garden. This spring it had grown…