Tag: seasons

  • Soil Improvement

    Soil Improvement

    When we first saw the garden in February 2022, the soil was bare, chalky-grey, and powdery soft. In parts of the garden I sank in to my ankles. You could have dug it with a table spoon and yet, about 30 cm down, you needed a pickaxe to make any kind of a hole. In…


  • Mediterranean Gardening in Autumn

    Mediterranean Gardening in Autumn

    Autumn is a Second Spring Most Mediterranean gardens are a feast for the eyes from April through the beginning of June. In July and August though most plants enter summer dormancy and you don’t find many flowers or even green leaves among the perennials and shrubs. As soon as cooler temperatures begin to arrive in…


  • April Showers in May

    April Showers in May

    Last spring was extremely dry and warm, as was the one before that. And the winter of 2023/2024 didn’t bring much rain either, so we still had critical groundwater levels and corresponding water restrictions this March. But relief was on the way. Since mid-April, we have had very unsettled weather with – for the region…


  • Winter is coming

    Winter is coming

    In November we continued with cleaning up, re-planting, and with covering all the naked earth in an effort to keep it from getting washed out any further. After cleaning out this corner, it turned out that the tall Yucca had actually been planted in a wooden pot with iron bands – once upon a long, long…
