Tag: scented garden

  • Mediterranean Iris

    Mediterranean Iris

    Live and learn… I had always thought of Iris as a delicate and overbred plant for experienced gardeners. But when I came here I found out that Iris are one of the most robust, hardy, drought and heat resistant flowers there are. They grow wild everywhere around here, from small Iris lutescens in the Garrigue…


  • Springtime Bulbs

    Springtime Bulbs

    I did a lot of research before starting my garden here – and I’m still researching. But sometimes I also just try stuff like springtime plants I’ve grown in more northerly gardens. I’ve found that a plant’s natural habitat can make a big difference here at sea level in the Mediterranean. Plants from more mountainous…


  • Eleagnus ebbingei (submacrophylla)

    Eleagnus ebbingei (submacrophylla)

    Heavenly Scent & Drought Resistance in One. The side of the garden towards the neighbors is largely planted with Eleagnus x Ebbingei, now known as Eleagnus submacrophylla or “Chalef” in Garden-French. This shrub was totally unknown to me and when I first saw it in the summer, it didn’t impress me much. But then came…
