Tag: perennials
Verbena bonariensis
Another one of those plants that seemed not suited to this area but simply took a year to establish itself. In 2023 I sowed and planted Verbena bonariensis into the then still more or less empty garden. They grew and flowered but stayed small and during the summer they constantly needed water just to survive.…
Achillea millefolium
I know there are many beautiful varietes but somehow I’m always underwhelmed by Achillea and its “homely” flowers. Supposedly they work in hot and dry climates so I’ve tried them in the garden. In 2022 I planted Achillea millefolium “White Beauty”. In the summer of 2023 their bright white quickly turned into a very dirty…
Anisodontea or Cape Mallow is another plant I would never have thought of planting myself but which I have grown rather fond of. My mother gave it to me 2021. It had been grown from a cutting as an indoor plant in cold Ulm, Germany. When we came here I planted it in the garden,…
Erysimum linifolium Bowles Mauve
I love the wonderful heady perfume of Erysimum cheirii but they seem a bit difficult for a low-maintenance mediterranean garden. So I decided to try Erysimum linifolium Bowles Mauve in a very pretty lilac color. It’s a perennial (if supposedly short-lived – remains to be seen) evergreen shrub, flowering from March ito July and forming…
Roses for a Mediterranean Garden
A garden without roses? It’s possible but is it necessary? I did my research in 2022 and chose what I thought was a varied selection of robust roses. My experience so far shows that there are huge differences between varieties, even those said to be robust and resistant. And there are a lot of aspects…
I’m normally not that crazy about daisies but I’ve grown to love Osteospermum or Cape Daisies for their bright and cheerful look and drought-resistance. They come in many colors and shapes with either simple or spooned petals, some spread out over the ground, some grow like little shrubs, and they are more or less hardy.…