Category: Potager

  • Zucchini


    Zucchini work reasonable well here, although I haven’t had anything like the bumper crops we had in Switzerland. Which is partly a good thing, because we can’t get quite as sick of them as we did there. In my garden, the plants always grow big but many flowers stay unpollinated and fall off or the…


  • Pears “Clapp’s Favorite”

    Pears “Clapp’s Favorite”

    The rather small old pear tree (half trunk), which had not been pruned for ages, produced only two pears after my first heavy pruning in early 2023. In the spring of 2024 it had developed masses of steeply vertical water shoots, of which I removed about half (the narrowest, most incorrectly and most vertically growing).…


  • Melons: Cucumis melo and Citrullus lanata

    Melons: Cucumis melo and Citrullus lanata

    Mediterranean climate should be good for melons one should think. Alas it is for some but not for others. I had ordered several types of “Dry Farming” melon seeds at and tried to grow them in 2023 and 2024. Most did not work out, neither in the old vegetable garden, where they shriveled up…


  • Tomatoes


    Tomatoes, well, surely tomatoes grow like crazy in the Mediterranean!? Yes and No. When I first planted tomatoes in the open vegetable plots in 2022 I was shocked to see them turn completely white on one side with “sunburn”. In 2023 I tried shading them but they still suffered and by August all plants were…


  • In the shade

    In the shade

    Minimizing Water Evaporation in the Vegetable Garden After a very changeable spring it got up to 25 and 29 degrees in June with nary a cloud in sight. So I started to test my idea for shading the vegetable garden to help prevent water evaporation. All the shading nets available are dark and I break…


  • Calendula


    I don’t really like “hot” colors in flowers, like yellow, orange, or red. But there are some I can’t resist. Among them is Calendula officinalis or Marigold – one of my alltime favorites. Marigold thrives in a Mediterranean Garden When we first arrived here I tossed a package of calendula seeds in the vegetable garden and…
