Category: Plants

  • Melons: Cucumis melo and Citrullus lanata

    Melons: Cucumis melo and Citrullus lanata

    Mediterranean climate should be good for melons one should think. Alas it is for some but not for others. I had ordered several types of “Dry Farming” melon seeds at and tried to grow them in 2023 and 2024. Most did not work out, neither in the old vegetable garden, where they shriveled up…


  • Achillea millefolium

    Achillea millefolium

    I know there are many beautiful varietes but somehow I’m always underwhelmed by Achillea and its “homely” flowers. Supposedly they work in hot and dry climates so I’ve tried them in the garden. In 2022 I planted Achillea millefolium “White Beauty”. In the summer of 2023 their bright white quickly turned into a very dirty…


  • Lonicera


    Lonicera or honeysuckle is a very diverse species, including wonderfully scented vines (periclymenum, japonica, tatarica, xylosteum…) or shrubs (fragrantissima, purpusii, syringantha…), fruit-bearing shrubs (caerulea/kamtchatica…) as well as evergreen hedging shrubs and groundcovers (nitida, pileata, crassifolia…). Lonicera japonica I love the scented Lonicera vines and was more than happy to discover that the massive hedge of…


  • Hibiscus syriacus

    Hibiscus syriacus

    Hibiscus syriacus offers some of the most beautiful flowers I know and is a favorite of mine. Alas, it is not made for this climate and this garden, although two specimens had been planted years before. Hibiscus syriacus loves rich, humid soil and temperatures up to a maximum of 27-30 degrees Celsius. It may survive…


  • Alcea Rosea

    Alcea Rosea

    Alcea rosea (Hollyhocks in English or Rose trémière in French) are another example for plants that – in my experience – grow best if left alone to do their thing. They like to sow themselves where they please and need nothing besides maybe some support against the wind in their quest for the sky. Not…


  • Anisodontea


    Anisodontea or Cape Mallow is another plant I would never have thought of planting myself but which I have grown rather fond of. My mother gave it to me 2021. It had been grown from a cutting as an indoor plant in cold Ulm, Germany. When we came here I planted it in the garden,…
