Category: Plants

  • Rheum – Rhubarb

    Rheum – Rhubarb

    Planting Rhubarb in this Mediterranean garden turned out to be a successful experiment. In August 2022 I planted a “Frambozen Rood” in half-shade. Despite regular watering it did suffer a lot from the heat. During the garden re-ordering in December 2023 I moved it next to the wall of the garden shed where the soil…


  • The Orchard 2024

    The Orchard 2024

    It’s been a year since the last orchard “status report” in February of 2024. Time for an update: The pear tree bore a bumper crop of wonderfully juicy and aromatic pears – yellow with reddish cheeks, probably “Clapp’s Favorite”. What I had thought to be a “cherry tree” turned out to be a reineclaude tree…


  • Goji – the Berry from Hell

    Goji – the Berry from Hell

    It’s very difficult to cultivate small soft berry fruit here – too hot, too dry. Goji berries however aren’t scared of anything. Heat? Drought? No problem. Along with their dainty little flowers and pretty berries, they have the personality of a Mongolian conqueror and start spreading everywhere underground. I found that I didn’t really like…


  • Tropaeolum


    Since Tropaeolum majus stems from rather more humid and/or mountainous places in South America it’s easy to see that this is not really a Mediterranean or rather a drought-resistant plant. That said it will work in late spring and early summer as an aphid trap in the vegetable garden. In the heat of summer it…


  • Spilling the Beans…

    Spilling the Beans…

    It was surprisingly hard to find the kind of beans or peas that will really work for us in this mediterranean garden. Broad Beans / Vicia faba Broad Beans at first seemed a really good idea. Especially because they can be planted over the winter when the dreaded black aphids aren’t around. I planted them…


  • Tulbaghia violacea

    Tulbaghia violacea

    With a Filippi “code de secheresse” of 5 and its pretty as well as edible leaves and flowers, Tulbaghia violacea is an excellent plant for mediterranean gardens. This plant of the Allium family comes from South Africa and flowers in spring and fall in my garden. It tolerates up to -10°C and needs a light,…
