Category: Plants

  • Harvesting Olives

    Harvesting Olives

    We had three olive trees, two of which had been planted in the half shade between some tall trees and the sunlit side of the house. As a result, they grew at an oblique angle and only on the side facing the light. We sold them in the spring and are hoping they are happy…


  • Tamarix


    Having never met many of them before in real life, Tamarix always seemed rather delicate to me. Turns out they are pretty much indestructible. We have two of them in the garden. One grows with massive roots right out of the steep embankment on the north side of the garden. This spring it had grown…


  • Verbena bonariensis

    Verbena bonariensis

    Another one of those plants that seemed not suited to this area but simply took a year to establish itself. In 2023 I sowed and planted Verbena bonariensis into the then still more or less empty garden. They grew and flowered but stayed small and during the summer they constantly needed water just to survive.…


  • Cosmos bipinnatus

    Cosmos bipinnatus

    Some plants just seem to want to give you “the finger”… When I think about how I coddled and cuddled my little cosmos seedlings last spring and summer, padding them with mulch, hovering over them with the watering can – and still the tiny little spindly things just wanted to die throughout the summer before finally…


  • Lonicera


    Lonicera or honeysuckle is a very diverse species, including wonderfully scented vines (periclymenum, japonica, tatarica, xylosteum…) or shrubs (fragrantissima, purpusii, syringantha…), fruit-bearing shrubs (caerulea/kamtchatica…) as well as evergreen hedging shrubs and groundcovers (nitida, pileata, crassifolia…). Lonicera japonica I love the scented Lonicera vines and was more than happy to discover that the massive hedge of…


  • Alcea Rosea

    Alcea Rosea

    Alcea rosea (Hollyhocks in English or Rose trémière in French) are another example for plants that – in my experience – grow best if left alone to do their thing. They like to sow themselves where they please and need nothing besides maybe some support against the wind in their quest for the sky. Not…
