Category: Climate

  • Rain!


    Even a dry garden gets some rain. 203 liters/sqm between October and March. I have no idea whether that’s a lot for this region but at the beginning of the week alone we had 60 liters/sqm. With deep puddles in the garden and on the gravel parking lot because the clay soil can’t take a…


  • Veggies in Winter

    Veggies in Winter

    I used to be happy when the gardening season was over for the winter. It just gets to damn cold in Switzerland. Looking at frozen radiccio and harvesting brussel sprouts in subzero temperatures is just no fun at all. Here I finally live in a part of the world where even in winter things actually…


  • How about a lawn?

    How about a lawn?

    Not that we are all that crazy about having to mow lawn… But since there is this big area with nothing growing on it and since there are these grass seed mixes for “dry garden lawns”, we decided to give it a try and sowed “lawn” at the end of November. And now, at Christmastime,…


  • Winter is coming

    Winter is coming

    In November we continued with cleaning up, re-planting, and with covering all the naked earth in an effort to keep it from getting washed out any further. After cleaning out this corner, it turned out that the tall Yucca had actually been planted in a wooden pot with iron bands – once upon a long, long…


  • Vive le Forage!

    Vive le Forage!

    When we arrived in July, the forage groundwater pump no longer worked and its control case was blackened. When we opened it, we found a shrivelled-up gekko inside – the riddle was solved. Several weeks of exchanging emails with the manufacturer and his accredited partner in the region brought no solution as the system was…


  • It is HOT.

    It is HOT.

    It has rained once since we arrived end of June. Since then we’re having 30-36 degrees every day, without rain. This confirms my intention to set up a garden with as little or no watering as possible. Our housesitter had planted some tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, chilies, and zucchini for me. I currently go out early…
